— Two Schools of Thought

Two Schools of Thought

September 7, 2018
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2 million tonnes

of CO₂ reduced each year

What does it take to fight climate change? It takes us all doing everything we can whether big or small. As a generous supporter of our projects, you make it happen.

  • When an improved cookstove is installed in Malawi, you help to eliminate 3 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions across the country, and that stove helps a school save money, stay open, and work with disabled kids in rehabilitation, education, and vocational training.
  • In rural Vietnam, India, and China, biogas digesters reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 1.7 million tonnes every year, and at the same time help farmers to better provide for their families and communities, and to embrace the benefits of sustainability.
  • In Los Santos, Costa Rica, a wind farm saves 14,000 tonnes of CO₂ emissions, provides electricity for the first time to 50,000 people, and uplifts a local community with “Nobility of Purpose.”
  • In Madagascar and Alto Mayo, by helping to conserve vast rainforests, saving millions of tonnes of CO₂ emissions every year, you are also helping thousands of people to improve their lives by becoming proactive partners in sustainability.

The same is true of all the projects you support: in Colorado, in Peru, in Honduras, in Mississippi, in Uganda. Updates on each are available on the Cool Effect website.

Because you care, amazing things are happening. You are inspiring people everywhere to take action in this winning movement against climate change. Thank you for caring! Thank you for your support!
