The Business of Climate: What Makes Cool Effect Different

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Dear Colleagues,

One of our most frequently asked questions is, “What makes Cool Effect different?” Our response always centers around our projects—dedication to additionality, the work our project team does to find, verify and visit our projects, our insistence of price transparency and our communications tools. (Doesn’t everyone want to know that their dollar is making a difference?).

In response to dozens of inquiries, today we are launching our revised project pages which elevate the Core Carbon Principals to make it clear why we have chosen each project. We’ve also had some fun with our project names in an effort to incorporate the benefits as well as the category. See it all here.

Another common question is, “Do you have carbon removal projects?” Well, yes, we do. But we also have many other types of projects. Most of the confusion in the voluntary market centers around what is required to claim, “carbon neutrality” or “net zero.” Part of the discourse comes from the type of offset being considered. Meanwhile, the rate of emissions of carbon dioxide continues to rise.

When Cool Effect reviews projects, we consider a broad scope of scientific methodologies. We believe that the avoidance of emissions is just as important as the removal of emissions. We represent offsets from any category as long as the credits have strong additionality, pricing transparency, permanence, and local benefits. Carbon avoidance programs often serve the most vulnerable populations in the world and, if excluded, will profoundly affect them. They are also important to businesses who want to make an impact but have budgets to consider.

We need to do as much as we can as soon as we can. The planet cannot wait.

Thank you for your leadership,

Jodi Manning

VP Director of Marketing and Partnerships
