Hope for Alice and the planet

November 16, 2017
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improved cookstoves throughout Uganda

In rural Uganda, 90% of the population cook their meals on open fires that are inefficient, dirty, and dangerous. This project promotes the manufacture and distribution of improved cookstoves that concentrate the heat on cooking surfaces where it belongs, reducing fuel consumption and reducing emissions of globe-warming carbon into the earth’s atmosphere. It is a simple technology but produces dramatic results.

To date, this project has sold more than 500,000 stoves in Uganda, benefiting over 2.5 million people and saving households over USD $163 million in fuel costs, giving many the chance to pay school fees, start a business, pay health-related costs, or simply save for a rainy day. Also, these cookstoves have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by an incredible 3.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change, and have reduced charcoal consumption by 630 thousand tons of charcoal, which is equivalent to planting more than 9.6 million trees! It’s amazing what is being accomplished with your support.

It’s amazing, too, that this project is also creating opportunities for local people, like Alice, pictured below, who is so impressed with her own new cookstove that she now sells them in her shop in Kampala. “I tell all my customers what these stoves can do!” she says. Her business is booming. That’s good for Alice, and it’s great for Planet Earth. For helping Uganda and for helping the planet, Alice sends a heartfelt “Thank You!
