Survey Findings Show Growth Potential for Carbon Offset Market

Cool Effect partnered with Ipsos Research to evaluate individuals’ understanding of carbon offsetting and their purchase intent. All individuals surveyed confirmed they are aware that their personal emissions have an impact on climate change.

Here are some key findings:

  • 67% (two thirds) of Americans surveyed say that they are familiar with carbon offsetting.
  • 77% (over three quarters) of respondents are most likely to believe that it costs $250 or more to offset an individual’s average yearly carbon pollution, with 16% of those believing it would cost over $2,000.
  • 62% (over half) of respondents believed that the amount of CO2 emitted by the average American each year was 8 metric tons or less, when in reality, the average is 17 metric tons.
  • Though only one in ten have purchased a carbon offset in the past (12%), just over half say that they would be interested in purchasing a carbon offset in the future (51%).

On Cool Effect, the price per tonne ranges from as little as $5.27 to $10.98. That means that for just about 100 dollars, you can offset the yearly average American personal emissions of 17 tonnes per year.
