Carbon Done Correctly
A Model for Climate Mitigation from The Global South to Wall Street
meet the unsung heros fighting climate change

"Instead of tearing down, it is time for the world to pull together to build the durable VCM that the planet requires."
Richard H. Lawrence, Jr., Author

“When it comes from the heart, you can accomplish anything.”
Dharsono Hartono
Project Developer
Katingan Mentaya, Indonesia

“Carbon financing has made it possible for us to help over a million people in rural Honduras.”
Emilia Giron de Mendoza
Executive Director
Proyecto Mirador, Honduras

“We will never give up planting trees of hope.”
Arne Fjortoft
Project Developer
Mangrove Restoration, Myanmar
Carbon Done Correctly
A Model for Climate Mitigation from the Global South to Wall Street - Stories of Unsung Heroes Fighting for the Planet By Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. with James E. Hackett